Outcome of Board Meeting_08-08-24
Outcome of Board Meeting_25-10-2024
Outcome of Board meeting-24-01-2025
Outcome of Board Meeting_09-05-23
Outcome of Board Meeting_11-08-23
Outcome of Board Meeting_09-11-23
Outcome of Board meeting_17-01-24
EGM Proceddings 23-09-23
EGM Notice ATL 23092023
EGM Outcome ATL 23-09-23
Outcome-Regulation 30_ 09-05-2023
Closure of Trading Window-30.03.2023
Closure of Trading window_02.01.2023
Closure of Trading window- 30.09.2022
Closure of Trading window_01.07.2022
Proceddings of AGM_29.06.2022
Outcome of Board Meeting 28.05.2022
Regulation 30_Scheme of Amalgamation_25.06.2022
Closure of Trading WIndow 30.03.2022
Closure of Trading window 30.12.2021
CLosure of Trading window-30.09.2021
Proceddings of AGM 30.07.2021
Closure of Trading window -30.06.2021
Outcome of Board Meeting 05.06.2021
Outcome-Reg 30 06.03.2021
Outcome Reg 30-13.02.2021
Closure of Trading Window-31.03.2021
Closure of Trading WIndow-01.01.2021
Reg 30 Demise_18.11.2020
Outcome Reg 30-30.10.2020
Closure of Trading window-30.09.2020
Closure of Trading Window-02.07.2020
Proceddings of AGM held on 30.06.2020
Regulation 30- Resignation _11.04.2019
Regulation 30-Change in Management_30.05.2019
Proceddings of AGM-03.08.2019
Closure of Trading window 16.10.2019
Regulation 30-Appointment of Internal Auditor-13.11.2019
Closure of Trading window-30.12.2019
Closure of Trading window-31.03.2020
Scrutinizers Report for AGM-21.07.2018
Regulation 30-Change in Name of Promoter Entity-01.09.2018
Outcome of Board meeting-30.05.2018